South Dakota Missions Update

Hi Church Family,

I wanted to take a moment and share an IMPORTANT UPDATE, in regards to the South Dakota Mission Trip. A year ago, I stood in front of the congregation and let you all know that, regardless of the COVID issues from the 2022 trip, we were “doubling down” on our partnership with South Dakota.

My plan was to personally lead the trip. However, due to some scheduling conflicts and my need to be home with my family, I am unable to go. Another member of our Elder Board had committed to leading the trip. Unfortunately, a couple weeks ago, something has come up where they are also unable to attend/lead. I asked 4 more people who I felt could lead the trip and was told by all of them that, not only could they not lead, they were also unable to attend.

While we are still “all in” in regards to our relationship with Tim and Kim Wardell and the people of Pass Creek, I shared the news with them this week that we will not be coming in June. My statements last Summer still ring true. Our partnership with the South Dakota Mission is still intact. Even now, I am beginning to work to set up leadership for the trip in 2024, but through prayer and conversation, I believe this is the best decision for this year.

I want to make clear that this does not change our financial support for Tim and Kim at all. We will continue to support their ministry as we have for many years.

If you need to process your disappointment or have specific questions, please reach out to me directly to set up a time to talk. I want to reiterate, to give them as much time as possible, The Wardell’s have already been made aware. Tim and Kim understand the decision and love you all.

My deep hope is, in 2024, we will return to serve!

Thanks for your understanding,

Pastor Tim